Our Top 5 Reusable Eco-Friendly Household Products!

Posted by Alma M. on


So many lists out there of people's favourite everything! We also created our own.

In our first journal blog post we mentioned how easy it is to simply start avoiding products in our households that are single-use. Yes it is true, if we want to buy quality products that will last, save the earth and really, at the end save us some moolah it is necessary to invest a bit (but not break our pockets).

So let's go ahead with our favourite eco-friendly household products.

Here are our top 5 list: 

1. BeesWrap 

beeswrap from journal veganstraws

This amazing company has created an incredible product with a huge help from our friends the bees. It is a natural alternative to any plastic wrap or plastic bags out there! The really amazing thing about it too, is that you can use them in many different ways. You can wrap cheese, fruit, bread, vegetables, cover left overs! Seriously you can even bring them anywhere with you, easy to clean, extremely durable, reusable and compostable. Seriously check them out.

 2. Cocolit 

cocolit kit

Alright time for some fun! Have you ever brushed your teeth with activated coconut charcoal powder?! This one is a first time you do not want to miss. Product lasts very long, it is 100% natural, dentists approved and not tested on animals. Allows to whiten and polish your teeth, but that is also incredible cool about this company is that they also offer toothbrushes made out of bamboo! They are eco friendly too, inexpensive and biodegradable, so no need to worry about where your plastic toothbrush will end up anymore. 

3. Coconut Bowls 


As if the fantastic number 2 above wasn't fascinating enough, we found these incredible coconut bowls and yes, you may say, but actually! I already have and bowls at home.  But listen, they won't be as good lookin' as these!  This company discovered that billions of these shells were going to waste every year.

So in order to avoid this waste they now reclaim over 10,000 discarded coconut shells every month. They explain that by eating out of a Coconut Bowl you are helping the environment by contributing zero waste and using a recycled product of nature. 

4. Pela 

pela case review  

Yes, we did include this as a household product because we basically live with our phones, they are an expensive investment out there. When we switch phones what do we do with our plastic phone cases? As new technology advances more mobiles come into the market and with that new plastic phone cases come in and others leave as they are not so popular anymore really plastic brutality to our planet. The Pela Case is made of Flaxstic®, which is comprised of compostable bioplastic elastomer and flax straw materials. If you wish to know more head over to their site they have a fantastic FAQ page that will keep you informed.  


5. Bambu

bambu straws review

Yup. It is true, we are not the only ones selling alternatives of plastic straws, and we are super pumped about this, we are not alone in the fight and honestly the more the merrier.  These straws are made out of bamboo, so they will not last forever, but because of this it is great to know they will not damage the environment like plastic straws do.  This store also offers other eco friendly products for your home, make sure to check them out! 

 6. VeganStraws.

vegan straws review

Pfffff.. I know, I know... we said Top 5 and there is 6... 🙊 Come on! You'd think we would not include ourselves in this fancy awesome list?  What's really not to love?  No more plastic straws in your pantry and a really great way to start a conversation. Take them anywhere with you, simply easy to clean, durable, eco friendly and certainly giving a good fight against plastic straws pollution. 

And because you have been an incredible reader and you found out why this isn't isn't just top 5, here's a coupon you can use at checkout for a 10% Discount on your entire order! Feel free to share around: MYTOP6.  

Please let us know and comment if you have other products you think should be made on a list and how you use them! We know there are more eco products out there that are making a difference in saving the planet from our plastic garbage. 








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